How to Qualify the Best Airsoft Starter Gun

Oct 13th 2020

There’s more than one way to qualify what one might call the best airsoft starter gun, and depending on who you ask you are liable to get several different answers. The truth is that all different airsoft players have their own tastes in airsoft guns and so they are going to see the matter differently.

Some people might tell you that the best airsoft starter gun is a spring gun like a spring airsoft pistol, but spring-operated guns like these are not very much use when it comes to competition or a match. They may be easy to learn to use, easy to operate, easy to clean, and very tough, but if you really want to get into playing airsoft, they won’t be much use. Unless you’re looking for a bolt action sniper rifle, springs don’t have too much use in the competitive sphere.

Therefore, we’re going to get into some of the features to look for in airsoft guns that would make them fitting for most players. Here are some of the things to look for in airsoft guns that would give them a status of “high quality” and fitness for competitive play.

High-Quality Internals

One of the first things to look for is that any given airsoft gun should have high-quality internals and high-quality construction overall. Whether you are interested in a gas-operated airsoft gun or a semi-automatic electric gun (AEG), you’ll want to get yourself a model with high-quality internals and construction.

Before getting to the internals, it’s important to keep in mind that the frame of the airsoft gun has an impact on the overall quality of the gun. There are plenty of airsoft guns out there with tough high impact plastic frames and others with all-metal construction; these may be heavier, but they are the ones to go for.

At the same time, if you are looking for an electric gun with a high rate of fire such as G&G Combat Machine 16 Raider or one of Lancer Tactical airsoft rifle, then full metal internals and upgradeable gearboxes are critical.

The reason for this is that the high rate of fire that you will experience, especially during close-quarters battles (CQB), and that will place a lot of stress on the gears and bearings. Smaller gearboxes that cannot be easily serviced, especially those containing plastic gears, are likely to deform, melt, or break under heavy use or stress. Many cheaper beginner airsoft guns have commensurately cheap internals, and that is something to stay far away from.

Accepts Practical Mags

By practical mags, we mean magazines that will contain an acceptable charge of BBs for your desired engagement. For example, you might not need a high capacity magazine capable of holding 450 BBs, but you won’t want an AEG that can only take 150 or so and isn’t compatible with any other options. We say this already knowing that some GBB pistols only hold 20 or so BBs, but that they are reserved for training and as a sidearm, anyway.

Ability to Accept Attachments

The ability to accept attachments can make your starter airsoft gun an extension of your vest and a part of your tactical array. Add a light onto the rail of your Elite Force pistol and you have a tool that you can use outside of combat situations.

Add a red dot sight or a laser to your AEG and you will suddenly increase your accuracy and your ability to handle your semi-auto airsoft rifle under press. There are many reasons to look for an airsoft starter gun that can accept attachments, and these are only a couple of them. However, without the ability to accept attachments, you will be leaving potential on the table.

Simple Operation and Easy to Clean

In addition, you will want to get yourself a beginner airsoft gun or package that contains an airsoft gun that is easy to use and clean. Some expensive and higher-end models are very sensitive, and starters should be simple and have no frills. That leaves you with fewer parts to break or lose, and besides, the tougher a model is, the longer it is going to last.

Some of Our Airsoft Starters

At MiR Tactical, we know that it can be tough to define the so-called “best airsoft starter gun” and so we leave some of that research up to you. However, we have a collection of airsoft starter beginner packages that are carefully selected to afford the beginner a bunch of benefits such as ease and simplicity of use and a balance of quality and affordability.

Check out some of the starter packages listed on that page, and if you have any questions get in touch with our team. We’d love to help you do a little more digging so that you can be sure you settle on the best airsoft starter gun for you, so give us a call at 800-581-6620.