Must-Have (and Cool) Airsoft Accessories for Tricking Out Your Yeet-Cannon

Must-Have (and Cool) Airsoft Accessories for Tricking Out Your Yeet-Cannon

May 27th 2022

                 airsoft attachments

Even though there are new, cool airsoft attachments that hit the market every year, much of the fundamentals stay the same.

If you like your AEG the way it is, with the addition of some of these attachments and accessories you might love it.

Check them out - we have 6 essentials that nearly any airsoft player can tack onto their yeet cannon to improve its handling, accuracy, and functionality, and three cool additions that make them more fun to shoot.

Functional Airsoft Attachments
If your AEG has the rail space, you’d do well to add on some of these attachments if it doesn’t have them yet - here’s why.

Nearly any airsoft gun can benefit from the attachment of the right optics, even airsoft shotguns, and airsoft pistols.

The trick lies in choosing the optics that work best for the platform.

For airsoft sniper rifles and AEGs that you expect to use over greater distances, such as across airsoft fields instead of CQB, airsoft scopes are the most practical optic. They’ll make delivering suppressive fire a little more difficult, but they’re better for connecting with targets at greater rangers. Also, some scopes are ideal for low-light settings, making them great for outdoor engagements.

For airsoft rifles, shotguns, and pistols that will mostly find themselves in CQB encounters, reflex sights like red dot sights are probably the best. They keep the sight picture open and enable rapid follow-up shots to be made. Some are even combination sights that pair red dots with scopes for the best of both worlds.

2.Backup iron sights
No matter what optics you choose to pair with your AEG, you should not close the book on iron sights. The truth is most optics will obstruct your iron sights, making it difficult if not impossible to have a backup sight system.

That is unless you use backup iron sights like offset sights that you can still use if the target is too close to use a scope or the batteries in your red dot sight die.

3.Additional forend grips
Additional grips are really not exciting airsoft attachments, like, at all, but they are very useful. Most handguards are not ergonomic at all and some are downright uncomfortable to use. By contrast, adding a folding vertical grip to the forend can give you much better control over the AEG, not to mention that it’ll be more comfortable to use.


               airsoft attachment

There’s no place for a bipod on your AEG if you’re literally never going to be engaging targets that are far away, but for some players, they can be very valuable. They can enable you to lay out suppressive fire over greater distances rather than simply following a “spray and pray” mentality, and for snipers, they can afford much greater stability.

A laser speaks for itself - giving you the ability to make reflexive shots without the need to line up sights, acquire the target, or even shoulder the AEG.

As for a flashlight, it is a highly useful airsoft attachment that can be detached from the platform and used for general utility, not to mention the fact that it can give you a significant upper hand in closed in CQB encounters, especially if they occur in the dark.

Not a complete necessity and hardly more exciting than an additional vertical grip, a sling can give you the ability to free up your hands to carry your other gear. A sling can also help prevent you from losing your AEG in the field.

The Cool Airsoft Attachments

Now here are some airsoft attachments that are downright cool, even if you don’t need them.

1.Tracer units
Tracer units can significantly increase the realism of the airsoft experience, and they can help you see where your shot strings are landing.

Tracer units like the AceTech Tracer Blaster Unit that we sell here don’t just simulate incendiary tracer rounds and support bursts of up to 35 RPS - they can also simulate muzzle flash, too.

                   airsoft attachment

Boost the realism of your experience with a tracer unit and increase the viability of your suppressive fire to keep the players on the opposite team from popping their heads up!

2.Flash suppressors/other barrel devices
To be fair, almost all airsoft muzzle devices, from flash suppressors to muzzle brakes, are purely cosmetic. All they do is change the way the airsoft gun looks.

But., if you hate that orange tip and the event will allow you to obscure it, have at it. Your AEG will look way cooler with a flash suppressor or compensator.

3.Airsoft grenade launchers
There are some really cool airsoft grenade launchers that you can actually attach directly to your AEG - and which actually shoot canisters of BBs that explode and scatter BBs like a grenade or shotgun blast.

They can be really great for clearing a room or an entrenched position - check out the G&P LMT Type QD M203 Grenade Launcher we sell here for an example of a practical airsoft grenade launcher and drop it on your AEG if you have the rail space!

A Wealth of Airsoft Attachments
We carry all of these airsoft attachments here at MiR Tactical as well as a wide range of other airsoft gun accessories including but not limited to spare magazines, airsoft ammo, spare batteries and gas, and much more.

Check out our collection via the links above and let us know if you have any questions about any of these attachments - you can reach us at 800-581-6620.