Pack Your Airsoft Guns and Head to an Airsoft Event This Year

Pack Your Airsoft Guns and Head to an Airsoft Event This Year

Jun 8th 2021

If there’s one piece of advice we could give any aspiring airsoft player, it’s to do just that - to play. There are tons of opportunities for players to engage their interests and expand their skill sets while meeting new people, developing new techniques, challenging themselves and just plain old, flat out having a great time.

Make no mistake about it. Last year was a challenge for everyone, but 2021 is here in force and with it there are a ton of exclusive airsoft events that promise to be as much fun - if not more - than in past years.

Here at MiR Tactical, we help to organize tons of airsoft events around the country, some of them carefully themed and all of them a blast. If you’re looking for new ways to challenge yourself and get out there, make it a personal goal to take part in an airsoft event this year, especially if you never have before. There’s no time like the present, so pack up your preferred airsoft guns and gear and set your sights on an event.

Better Than Backyard Plinking: Why Join an Event

Some airsofters never get further than the backyard, and there’s nothing wrong with that. For most of us, airsoft is about fun and the outdoors, and that’s exactly what it should be. If plinking and target practice are your thing, that’s fine too. But make no mistake about it, getting involved with an airsoft event is a great way to challenge yourself, and the reality of the matter is if you love plinking and have a competitive nature, you’ll probably love taking part in airsoft events.

We didn’t come empty-handed. We have plenty of good reasons for you to get involved - plenty - and we’re going to share the best of them with you. If you need a good, measurable reason to get involved in an airsoft event for the upcoming year, make it one, or several, of these.

Get Exclusive Gear and Memorabilia

It’s not the most powerful reason that we can conjure, but many airsoft events give you the ability to score exclusive gear and memorabilia. For example, some of the events that are featured here on our website give you a free, limited-edition style patch with your registration. You can’t buy these - you need to be present to get one, and since registration is capped for some events, there’s only one way to score gear and collectible items like these.

It’s not like a real engagement, but there’s also a sense of brotherhood that’s involved with participation in exclusive events like these.

Win Free Stuff

Another good reason - but far from the best one - to participate in airsoft events is to win free stuff. Just like you may be entitled to exclusive, limited edition gear with your registration at select events, you may be able to win free stuff. Of course, this depends on the event, but there’s a decent likelihood of it, and you’ll know going into it.

For example, some of the events listed at the bottom of this article provide raffles and entrants are all automatically enrolled in them, meaning that just by signing up you may get a ticket to win big. Check the event details for more information and of course, call us if you want to learn more.

Make Memories, Meet Like-Minded People, and Have a Good Time

Here’s another, even better reason for you to break your habits and get involved with an airsoft event or a MilSim event. You can make great memories, meet like-minded people, make new friends, and the greatest reason of all - you’ll have a great time in the process.

On top of the fact that you could make friends doing so, the best reason to take part in an airsoft event is also the most basic, and it’s also the most fundamental reason you should do anything - because you’ll enjoy it. If you like plinking and experimenting with new gear, then you’ll almost certainly love an event. It’s more challenging and the targets don’t just move - they also think and plot against you. You’ll definitely challenge yourself in the process.

Hone Your Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Now we’re going to get into the real, legit reasons to take up an airsoft event and get involved in the scene of competitive play. Of course, the fundamental reason to do it is that you’ll have a good time, but there’s something else that you just can’t gloss over. If you engage in competitive play and take it seriously, you can have a net positive effect on both your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

When you take it upon yourself to engage in an airsoft event, you’ll be challenging yourself in ways that won’t even be apparent until you’re actually on the course. Out of the gate, teams are assigned various situations and potential handicaps that you need to learn to get around, but since weather and team dispositions are in a state of constant flux, you’ll need to learn to think on your toes. In other words, these types of engagements, like other athletic events, require you to be a critical, adaptive thinker, and highly observant.

Learn New Techniques and Tactics from Teammates

There’s only so much you can learn from reading, but when you want to get creative and learn from other people, sometimes you need to get involved. When you partake in an airsoft event and join a team, you’ll get to learn from the finest minds in the game - those that are actually in a game.

The best strategies in military engagements are those that are either selectively applied given to the circumstances or created in light of them. There is no textbook for success on the battlefield, just as there is no text for successful negotiations that will yield your favor every single time. This is the same condition that enables competitive engagements to help you hone your critical thinking skills, and if you pay close attention, you’ll learn how to respond and adapt to changing situations from your fellow players.

Expose Yourself to New Gear and Strategies

When you take it upon yourself to join an airsoft event, you’ll also be presented with a unique opportunity to expose yourself to new gear, equipment and airsoft guns, many of which you might never even have known existed. If you’re in the habit of playing with electric airsoft guns, for example, you might learn a thing or two from a fellow player that fills a recon role and carries a spring-powered airsoft gun like an airsoft sniper rifle.

Similarly, you will come into contact with a whole range of different types of equipment and gear that you might not ever have known about. If the situations are conducive to it, your fellow players might even let you try out some of their equipment so you can see how you like it. The airsoft field is also a trading ground for ideas and equipment.

Cut Your Teeth on New Outdoor Skills

Another thing that can be a real bonus about joining a MilSim or other airsoft event is the fact that you may very well be able to practice new outdoor skills in the process. Many airsoft events take place outside over the course of several days, even in adverse weather conditions. Some of them will require you to camp in order to develop a position.

All of these factors can require you to develop orienteering and travel skills, challenge your ability to find and establish shelter, often under the threat of ambush, and more. These changing conditions can establish impediments to navigation, entrenchment, setting a position, or similar challenges. You’ll need to make fire, prepare food, create fortifications and much more. The hard part is that sometimes there’s no planning for it: the situation calls, and you must be ready to deliver.

Learn to Be Cool Under Pressure

When you partake in competitive airsoft matches, the conditions around you can change in a matter of minutes, and seemingly even faster if you aren’t prepared for them. The fact that, in the airsoft field, you are under the constant threat of ambush or attack, can teach you to think clearly and act with poise, direction and control, even when under pressure.

These skills are transferable to other areas of life because if you learn to accept changing conditions and prepare for the unexpected, you can learn to apply these newfound skills to other aspects of your life, from your personal life to your professional direction. It’s just something extra that can be extrapolated from critical thinking and problem solving, and one more benefit, however minor, to consider taking your passion for airsoft from the range to the course.

Challenge Yourself in New Ways

Finally, the last reason to get out there and get involved with airsoft events is that you don’t know how it will challenge you until you rise to the occasion. Whether you learn a new skill or pick up a new favorite piece of gear, chances are good you’ll grow in some way - and that’s a benefit to competition.

Blackjack 10: 8/7/2021-8/8/2021, La Porte, Indiana

This year’s Blackjack even promises to be a repeat of good times from past events in the series. The stage sets Federal Forces against a Rebel contingent, against the background of an eroding economy and civil unrest. It’s a classic question - do you side with the Federal Forces that seek to preserve order at all costs, or do you see any cession of freedom as a grievous, unacceptable error?

Registration is required for this event and capped - join today to make sure you have a spot. With your registration, you’ll get a two-day pass, a limited edition patch, a raffle ticket and much more. Choose your allegiance, sign up to join the fight, and gear up for fun. For additional regulations and requirements, visit our airsoft events page or call for more details.

New Dawn 5: 7/10/2021-7/11/2021, Burlington, Iowa

New Dawn is back again, once more pitting the United American Empire (UAE) against the Coalition of Ordered Republics (COR). In previous years, the event has taken place at the abandoned Apollo High School in Burlington, Iowa, bringing players into intense close-quarters battles the likes of which can only be experienced, and not relayed.

This event is a fine opportunity to hone your tactical planning and teamwork skills, before putting yourself to the test with CQB encounters that will rattle even the toughest nerves. Not for the faint of heart or for spring-powered airsoft pistols. Leave them at home and break out your automatic electric gun for this event.

Southern Watch: 12/11/2021-12/12/2021, Immokalee, Florida

Southern Watch is back, once more pitting the United American Empire against the Coalition of Ordered Republics over the course of two days at the end of 2021. Space is limited at this event as well, and there is a cap, so register today!

With registration, you’ll get both a limited edition and a special faction pass, along with a raffle ticket, free event parking and the use of props. Camping is free with registration but there are also spots available for RV camping and even barracks spaces. This event also has limited helo training mission spaces and there may be opportunities for night play.

Stock Up Here: Call If You Have Questions!

MiR Tactical is your source not only for these and other events but also for all types of airsoft guns, gear and equipment you need to compete effectively. We even offer wholesale pricing and team deals, so make sure you pick up your essentials here in advance of the big event.

You can also follow us on our social media accounts, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter so you can keep up with news and events. Keep up with the news, and if you have any questions at all about our upcoming events, give us a call at 800-581-6620 today.