Top 7 Airsoft Accessories to Bring to Your Next Match

Top 7 Airsoft Accessories to Bring to Your Next Match

Aug 14th 2021

You can visit our shop to outfit yourself (and your team) from top to bottom with camouflage in your pattern of preference to brand new AEGs for your upcoming match and everything in between. If you’re out here looking for the best new airsoft accessories to carry into your next match, start here.

They might not be the hottest or newest, but they’re some of the most useful.

1.Red dot sights

Alright, so there are some specific instances in which a scope will actually suit you better than a red rod sight, but for most competitive shooters, a red dot is nearly the best possible optic you can add to your platform.

You can throw a red dot sight over a GBB airsoft pistol or an AEG, or even on an airsoft shotgun. It will keep your sight picture clear, drastically reduce your time to target acquisition and help you connect with targets at close ranges, even in the dark.

2.Smoke grenades

Smoke grenades are not all fun and games. They have some very specific advantages, especially in competitive play. First off is the fact that a smoke grenade, obviously, can enable you to deploy a smokescreen in the blink of an eye.

Need to get away from your pursuers? Need to confuse the senses in a sight-limited or CQB encounter? Just toss a smoke grenade into the fray, but be sure your teammates are out of harm’s way before you do so.

This is not the only practical use of a smoke grenade, although it is far and away the most obvious. Even plain smoke grenades can be used as signals over distances, and given the fact that some smoke grenades are brightly colored, you can use them to great effect as coded communication signals that will thwart deciphering efforts..

3.Tracer units

There are special tracer units that you can buy, along with special tracer ammo, that replicate the effects of incendiary rounds in airsoft guns. Obviously, they are cool as all heck, but that is not the fact that they are highly valuable airsoft accessories. They are wildly practical in competition for several good reasons.

One is if you ever need to “no-scope” an enemy combatant. If you’re ever under pressure, sometimes you need to spray and pray, and a tracer unit will enable you to see where your shots are landing without requiring you to line up sights.

Another reason they are effective in matches is because they deliver much more psychologically impactful suppressive fire. Your enemy combatants need to know they are under fire in order to keep their heads down. They might not hear your airsoft pellets, but if they can see them, that’s half the battle.

4.Spare magazines, ammo canisters, and a speedloader

You get three for the price of one with this headline. You need to keep and carry not only spare loaded magazines, but also a speed loader to reload them during downtimes as well as spare ammo canisters. You can burn through much more than even several hi-cap mags can carry during the course of a match, and there’s space for all of these essential airsoft accessories in any airsoft vest. If there isn’t, make space.

5.A flashlight

So it isn’t that exciting, but a flashlight is a highly valuable - even an invaluable - tactical accessory that you must carry into a match. Realistically, you should carry more than one. They’re useful for signalling, startling enemies, and just plain seeing what you’re doing in the dark. Follow the redundant policy of one being none and two being one. A light doesn’t even need to chew up space in your pack or your vest; just add a tactical light to the rail of your AEG.

6.A tactical vest

Perhaps even less exciting than a flashlight, a tactical vest is even more important. Choose a comfortable, breathable, lightweight vest with plenty of space. You need somewhere to carry these and other vital airsoft accessories, anyway.

7.Protective equipment

Arguably the least exciting of all, protective equipment, including at minimum protective eyewear, is an essential airsoft accessory. Without protective equipment you won’t even be allowed to participate in a match. By the way, while you’re at it, get some gloves, heavy clothing, and pads in addition to your eyewear.

Looking for these or other airsoft gun accessories and tactical gear? You’re in the right spot - we carry all of these categories and countless others, and we have tons of airsoft guns to choose from, with spring powered models alongside gas and electric guns.

We also cover our valued customers with a price match guarantee and flat rate shipping. Some orders are even eligible for free shipping - so contact us at 800-581-6620 if you have any questions. We even offer bulk, team and wholesale discounts.

Otherwise, don’t miss a chance to outfit yourself and your team with these airsoft accessories, and follow us on InstagramYouTube and Facebook so you never miss a beat.