Accuracy and FPS-Boosting Upgrades for Your Glock Airsoft Gun

Accuracy and FPS-Boosting Upgrades for Your Glock Airsoft Gun

Oct 6th 2022


Gas-blowback (GBB) Glock airsoft guns are pretty popular. They’re light, ergonomic, reliable, and, just like real Glocks, have a lot of “cool-factor” with their (mostly) all-black aesthetic.

They offer pretty decent performance, too - but it could be better.

With a few of these tips, you can make your Glock airsoft gun shoot faster and more accurately, all with a few nice extra perks wrapped up in the mix.

Best of all, some of these Glock upgrades cost pennies to make!

So let’s check them out.

Go Tight Bore

Installing an upgraded tight bore barrel is one of the best ways to give accuracy a boost, and in some instances, can increase FPS, too.

But let’s just focus on accuracy. There are two things that primarily impact accuracy: hop-up (see below) and the inner barrel.

The tighter the inner barrel’s constriction, the less the BB will “rattle around” in there on the way towards the muzzle.

That is, the tighter, the better.

Multiple high-end tight bore barrels, like the Maple Leaf Crazy Jet, offer 6.04mm constrictions which will keep your shot patterns nice and tight.

Moreover, most Maple Leaf Crazy Jet tight bore barrels also are made from aluminum and brass alloy construction to resist corrosion.

There’s another bonus: these inner barrels create a cushion of air around the BB as it exits the muzzle, further boosting accuracy.

Upgrade the Hop-Up

If you just can’t seem to dial in your Glock airsoft gun and you’re certain the problem isn’t the inner barrel (see above) or the ammo (see below) then the upgrade you should be looking at is probably the hop-up system.

Specifically, take a look at the hop-up bucking and nub.

You want a hop-up bucking that has a longer contact surface and a greater contact patch. They will last longer and impart greater backsin on the BBs for greater overall accuracy.

Additionally, softer hop-up rubbers and lower angles tend to perform better with lower FPS airsoft guns, making them perfect for Glock airsoft guns that typically shoot in the high 200 or low 300 FPS ranges.

Upgrading the hop-up system will potentially create greater accuracy at range and give a bump to consistency as well - so now let’s talk about muzzle velocity.

Seal the Hop-Up/Barrel Connection

Before you put that inner barrel/hop-up combination back in your Glock airsoft gun, let’s talk about a simple, dirt cheap upgrade you can make that can substantially improve your FPS ratings.

In some cases, you might be able to get a boost of 40 FPS or more!

All you need for this upgrade is a little bit of plumber’s tape, A.K.A. thread tape. No, most airsoft stores don’t sell this, but you can get a few rolls at any corner hardware store for a few cents - seriously.

After you assemble your barrel and hop-up system combo, take off a length of thread tape and pinch it down around the seal where the two pieces come together.

Then, give it a few wraps around that junction, pulling the tape tight after each pass. After a few winds around it, pull the tape tight and cut it off.

What you’ve done is created a gas seal between the hop-up system and the barrel, preventing CO2 and green gas from easily escaping out between the connection.

The result? Higher FPS ratings for your Glock airsoft gun. Go ahead, chrono it and don’t be surprised if you get a serious boost!

Tack on a Red Dot Sight or Night Sights

                 Glock airsoft gun

You’ll have to make a choice for this one. Do you want a red dot sight or night sights? You probably can’t have both because if you’re going to install a red dot sight, you may need to take off your rear sight.

Here’s how it breaks down.

Night sights are made with material (typically tritium) that glows in the dark. You can take off your old sights and drop on the new night sights, and see better in the dark.

Or you could just use a red dot sight, which is parallax-free, and will enable you to make rapid shot strings in section, even in the dark, with no need to line up your sights.

But if seeing in the dark is your concern, then maybe what you should do is forego the night sights, drop on a red dot sight, and tack a WML light onto your Glock airsoft pistol.

Get a WML

Most Glock airsoft guns have a small section of rail space on the bottom of the gun at the front of the trigger guard underneath the slide. This is the perfect mounting point for a WML, or a weapon-mounted light.

Why use a WML? Because it has a number of advantages in and out of CQB. For one, in the dark, a WML will give you a distinct upper hand when you need to clear a room. If the light is bright enough, you might be able to startle any opponents that come upon you, giving you a few extra seconds to make a saving shot.

Also, WMLs can be detached from the airsoft guns to which they’re attached and used for general utility. You should never be without a light (or two) in camp and the airsoft field is no different.

                Glock airsoft gun

Not Technically an Upgrade: Shoot Slightly Heavier BBs

One more piece of advice. A word to the wise, if you will. If you want to boost accuracy just a bit more for your green gas or CO2 blowback airsoft pistol, up the weight of the airsoft ammo you’re shooting.

If you look through the licensed Glock replicas on our website, you’ll see FPS rating estimates. These are mostly for .2g BBs. While you can shoot .2g BBs, they might be a bit light. We suggest experimenting with .25gs to see if they shoot better.

Heavier BBs don’t fly as far (all things being equal) but they are more stable in the face of air resistance that can make BBs yaw and dip unpredictably. Plus, if you made the other upgrades here, your shots should be faster and more accurate anyway.

Go ahead and try it. You might just notice that you get a nice increase in accuracy.

Want to Upgrade Your Glock Airsoft Gun? Consult Us First!

Not sure what upgrades you want to make, or are you not comfortable with making them yourself? Give us a call at 800-581-6620 and we’ll talk you through it.

Also, don’t forget to check out our wide selection of Glock airsoft replicas. We carry Umarex/Elite Force Glock airsoft pistols similar to the real thing, both green gas and CO2-powered replicas modeled after popular Glock 17, Glock 19 pistols and more.

We offer the best prices - guaranteed by our price match policy - so if you see something you like, order it today and make some of these useful upgrades!