Here’s What You’ll Love about a G&G Raider

Here’s What You’ll Love about a G&G Raider

Dec 23rd 2021


Who cares whether you need or want a new AEG. The G&G Raider is a great choice. This is a powerful, dependable, durable AEG at a price point you probably won’t believe. If we may be bold enough, we’d even say it’s nearly impossible to get a comparable AEG at this price point.

So, what does everyone love about it?

First up is price, which is probably the biggest asset of the G&G Raider. What other AEG can you get for under $200 that offers performance like this? We’ll wait.

Honestly, there are other AEGs out there that are several times more. For the price of some of them, you could buy 2 or 3 or even more of these and form a whole squad for your next airsoft event.

Seriously, though, the G&G Raider is a cheap airsoft gun that is by no means cheap except in price.

Let’s take a look at how an airsoft gun can be so affordable and still offer so much to love.

Construction: Tough Polymer Receiver
First, this is one tough piece of equipment. We understand that some people really love all-metal airsoft guns, and there’s a point to that. All metal construction is tougher. If it’s aluminium, it could be even lighter than polymer.

But polymer has a place. It has high tensile and shear strength, just like most alloys, and it’s really, really tough. Sure, it might not be quite as tough as aluminum or steel and it lacks the appeal of wood, but it’s also not temperamental. Polymer will never flinch in the face of the elements and is 100% corrosion-proof. It laughs at snow, ice, salt, and more. Try that with metal airsoft guns.

High-Quality Internals
The G&G Raider also has internals that land blows way out of their weight class. It features a V2 gearbox, which is a full metal, fully upgradeable gearbox with 8mm brass bearings and a long type motor for plenty of power (although some players upgrade the motor).

In some ways, a full-metal gearbox with metal bearings is the bare minimum of quality in an airsoft gun. Plastic gears and bearings melt, burn, shear, deform and fail in countless other ways. Metal gearboxes and bearings deliver greater power, higher rates of fire, and vastly improved durability. Checkmate, plastic.

Handling and Lightweight Nature
Another thing a lot of players love about the G&G Combat Machine CM16 Raider is the compact design, lightweight nature, and ease of handling.

It comes with a 6-position adjustable crane stock and depending on the stock adjustment, the total length will vary from 31 to 35 inches. Also, on its own, this AEG weighs only 4 lbs, 9 ounces. Many other AEGs are much heavier and don’t handle nearly as nimbly.

Power and Adaptability
For a sub-200 dollar AEG, the G&G CM16 Raider airsoft rifle is one seriously powerful platform. Without any adjustment or modification, it’s rated to deliver muzzle velocities of up to 400 FPS, rated between 370-400 FPS with .20 gram airsoft ammo. All the same, we recommend experimenting with heavier ammo, and you’ll probably get better trajectory, distance, and accuracy with .25s or even with .30s.

Speaking of which, this platform also features an adjustable hop up - which you might think of as standard, but a quality AEG needs one nonetheless. Your shots need to go where you’re aiming, and get there.

Expandability and Modding
Another thing players love about the G&G Raider is that it’s so expandable and can be modding for even better performance. It comes with a 450 round mag but accepts mags from other M4/M16 platforms, and has a quad rail system with plenty of room for tacking on attachments.

Need to mount a sling or a bipod? That’s easy. It comes with iron front and rear sights, but you can easily mount a reflex or red dot sight or even a scope on one of these and have several inches of rail space left over at the sides and underneath.

Now, on the topic of modding, there are tons of players that make this 200 dollar AEGs look and shoot like 500+ dollar AEGs just with some simple mods. These are some of the most popular:

●Upgraded tight bore barrels.
●Upgraded LiPo batteries (might not be considered a mod or upgrade since the AEG doesn’t come with a battery or charger).
●Upgrading the motor.
●Steel bushings, upgraded springs and spring guides.
●MOSFETs; improve trigger contact and extend trigger lifespan.

With a few upgraded parts, a smart charger and some attachments, for a substantially lower price you could have an AEG that performs well, well out of its price class.

This is why everyone loves the G&G Raider - and we know you will, too, if there isn’t already one in your collection.

The G&G Raider: A Low-Cost Super Boss
Looking for a new AEG or have your own questions about the G&G Raider? If we haven’t answered them in this post, feel free to reach out to us at 800-581-6620 and we’ll be glad to help.