Top Airsoft Tips from the Pros at Our Airsoft Store

Top Airsoft Tips from the Pros at Our Airsoft Store

Feb 13th 2023

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Who couldn’t benefit from being a more proficient airsoft player? We see it as a progressive learning experience, so we’ve put together some of these helpful tips and tricks, from the pros at our airsoft store.

See if you can use any of these at your next MilSim or airsoft event.

Stay Covered

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Keeping yourself covered is probably the most important airsoft tip of all. The smaller you are as a target, the less likely you’ll be to take a hit.

Take advantage of cover wherever it is. It could be solid or simply obscure you. Dumpsters, trees, large rocks, rubble, and buildings are all cover.

Even high grass, which doesn’t protect you from a hit, is still cover (well, the technical term is concealment). The other team can’t hit you if they don’t see you.

Keep your elbows tight, and keep a slim profile. Be mindful of your knees and legs, which can stick out from cover without you noticing it.

It’s natural for a right-handed player to shoot righty around cover, but you should learn to shoot lefty from the left side of cover, too. It will keep your profile slim.

See Around Corners

Don’t expose yourself by sticking your head around the side of cover. Use an extendable mirror. You can get these at hardware stores or automotive parts shops. Another hack is to use the shiny underside of a CD to see around corner.

Use Night Sights or Get a WML

In the dark, a set of night sights or a WML can make the difference between you connecting with a target or being eliminated yourself.

You can buy night sights or a WML for a reasonable price. You can also improvise by painting your current airsoft gun’s iron sights with phosphorescent paint.

Shoot Only High Quality BBs (and Up the Weight)

While it is true that your hop-up buckings, nubs, and barrels can influence accuracy, the single most important aspect of accuracy in airsoft comes down to the quality of the BBs.

Use only high-quality, polished, single-piece BBs. Also, shooting heavier airsoft ammo can improve accuracy. For those shooting airsoft sniper rifles, do not shoot below .25g. Heavier ammo will slightly decrease muzzle velocity but it will also improve accuracy.

Lighten Your Load

If you don’t need it, don’t carry it. Ask yourself, “Do I really need this?” If the answer is no, ditch it. Look for useless metal externals on your AEG, too. If you can remove them, go for it.

Hold It Right

You ever see a player “chicken wingin’ it”? It’s not a pretty sight, and it has no benefits. Holding the AEG with your elbows way out to the sides not only decreases your stability, it makes you a bigger target for the enemy to shoot at.

Whether you’re toting an airsoft rifle or an airsoft pistol, keep your elbows tight and under your body. Also, practice good trigger discipline.

Learn the Field

If you look up other “airsoft tips” you’re going to see this one at or near the top of every other article.

We’ll keep it brief. If you don’t study the airsoft field beforehand, you will be at a disadvantage come the day of the airsoft event.

Get Comfortable Going Prone

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Prone is a shooting position wherein the player is laying with his chest and legs against the ground. Skilled players can move forward quite quickly from this position, sort of like an army crawl.

But it is not all about mobility. Shooting from the prone position keeps your silhouette minimized and close to the ground. It can enable you to move without being detected while still being in play and capable of making offensive maneuvers.

Don’t Store Your Magazines Loaded

It takes so long to comfortable load an airsoft magazine you might be tempted just to leave it loaded for the next match. That’ll save you time.

Wrong. Leaving the mag loaded will do nothing but fatigue the springs. After a while, you’ll be dealing with jams and all other sorts of unpleasantries. Unload them after a match, and get yourself a quality speedloader.

Get Quality Footwear

Have you ever attempted a 30-mile hike in budget boots? Don’t.

Don’t head out to airsoft events with low-quality boots, either. You will be in pain at worst and discomfort at best.

Boots should support you, keep you dry, and keep you warm. If it’s very hot, they should be breathable and keep you cool. Match the footwear to the conditions.

A good pair of tactical boots will save your skin. Look for ALTAI, Danner, Thorogood (they make a great pair of jump boots), Chippewa (they make great service boots), Rocky, and 5.11 Tactical. They all make excellent boots.

No More Mask Fog

For you players that play with full facemasks instead of goggles, mask fog can take you out of a match.

Invest in some anti-fog wipes and treat your face mask before the match, because if you fog up during, it’s already too late.

Learn to Shoot Reflexively

Quick tip: if you line up your sights for every shot, you may connect, but you’re going to take way too long.

One quick trick is to focus only on your target. Do not even look at your AEG. Fire, and adjust the shot string according to where the BBs are going.

Much faster than lining up iron sights.

Come Visit Our Airsoft Store

Looking for more helpful airsoft tips, or hot new airsoft guns and gear? Come visit us at our airsoft store in Buffalo Grove, Illinois.

We have much more where these came from (in addition to our high-quality airsoft guns and airsoft gear at rock-bottom prices). Come pay us a visit or get in touch with us beforehand at 888-581-6620.