Airsoft Vs. Paintball: Which Hurts More? How to Prepare Yourself

Airsoft Vs. Paintball: Which Hurts More? How to Prepare Yourself

Posted by Alex Paterakis on Jan 20th 2025

airsoft pistol laying on targets with a pile of BBs

Does Airsoft Hurt More Than Paintball?

When starting airsoft or paintball, the most common question for beginners, and often for concerned parents, is: "Does airsoft or paintball hurt more?" The good news is that generally speaking, airsoft does NOT hurt more than paintball. Paintballs, being larger and heavier, deliver a stronger impact, but there’s more to the story than size alone.

What This Article Covers

This guide will compare airsoft and paintball, including tips to minimize discomfort, so you can decide which activity suits you best. Whether you’re preparing for your first game or looking for safety insights, Mir Tactical has you covered!

Paintball vs. Airsoft: Which Hurts More and Why?

The question of "Which one hurts more?" depends on the type of impact and personal perception.

Airsoft Hits - Feel like a quick, sharp sting, especially on exposed skin.

Paintball Hits - Deliver a heavier, thudding sensation that spreads across the impact area.

Why the Difference?

To examine the differences, we’ll look at the size, speed, energy, styles of play, and more. Remember, too, that pain is also subjective. What really stings for one person may not hurt for another. Each person’s experience may depend on their pain tolerance, gear, and where they’re hit.

Airsoft BBs vs. Paintballs: Size & Weight Matters

A big difference between airsoft and paintball lies in the size and weight of the projectiles, which can influence how each impact feels.

Airsoft BBs

Standard airsoft BBs are small, measuring 6mm in diameter, and weigh significantly less. Their lighter weight results in a quicker sting upon impact.


These are much larger, at .68 caliber (17.3mm), and considerably heavier. When a paintball hits, it packs more energy due to its size and weight but spreads the impact over a larger area.

The Feeling at Impact

While airsoft BBs can feel sharper and might leave smaller welts or marks, paintballs deliver a more forceful hit that’s easier to feel through clothing. For players who are less keen on heavier impacts, airsoft might be the better option.

Airsoft BB Size Options

Airsoft BBs come in standardized sizes, most commonly 6mm in diameter, which is comparable to the size of a green pea. While less common, 8mm BBs are available for players who use airsoft guns designed to accommodate them.

Why Size Matters

The smaller size of airsoft BBs contributes to their precision but also impacts how they feel upon contact. Their minimal size concentrates the force of the hit, which is why many describe the sensation as sharp and stinging.

Airsoft BB Weight Options

Airsoft BBs come in a range of weights, each impacting gameplay and the level of pain experienced. Popular weight options include:

  • 0.12g - Light and used for lower-powered airsoft guns.
  • 0.20g to 0.28g - Common for most players and guns.
  • 0.30g and above - Heavier BBs used for sniping or high-precision shots.

For more details, check out our guide on choosing the right airsoft ammo: [How to Choose Airsoft Ammo.

Heavier BBs and Their Impact

Heavier BBs carry more energy upon impact, which means they can potentially cause more pain. However, as weight increases, FPS (feet per second) decreases, balancing their effect. Players often choose heavier BBs for better stability and accuracy in long-range scenarios.

FPS vs. Joules: How Speed and Energy Contribute to Pain in Airsoft & Paintball

Understanding FPS (Feet Per Second) and joules is key to comparing the pain levels of airsoft and paintball. In addition, when shopping for airsoft guns, our site lists specifications, including airsoft FPS. FPS measures the speed of a projectile. Knowing the FPS is important for personal preference, field regulations, range, and other factors. Joules quantify the energy it delivers upon impact, providing a clearer picture of the force involved.

Projectile Speed & Energy: FPS and Joules

FPS (Feet Per Second): The speed at which a projectile travels. For example, a BB at 350 FPS covers 350 feet in one second.

Joules: A more precise measure of impact force, accounting for BB weight. A 0.2g BB at 350 FPS delivers less energy than a 0.4g BB at the same speed. Many airsoft fields, especially in Europe, use joules for safety regulation.

Comparing Airsoft and Paintball FPS Limits

Paintball FPS: Typically 220–280 FPS. Paintballs (.68 caliber, 3 grams) deliver 11–13 joules, resulting in a heavier, thudding impact.

Airsoft FPS: Commonly 350–450 FPS. BBs (6mm, 0.2–0.4 grams) carry 1–2 joules, causing a sharp but less forceful hit.

The Difference

Paintballs hit harder due to their size and weight, while airsoft impacts are sharper but lighter. Knowing these distinctions helps players choose their preferred sport.

Final Takeaway

Paintballs deliver more energy due to their size and weight, making them feel more painful upon impact. With higher airsoft FPS but smaller projectiles, often results in sharper yet less forceful hits. Understanding these distinctions helps players choose the sport that aligns with their comfort levels.

How to Mitigate or Eliminate Pain

While many players believe that a little pain adds excitement to airsoft, younger participants or those looking to minimize discomfort can take practical steps to reduce the sting of BB impacts. The right protective gear, like full-face masks and tactical gloves, can significantly lower the risk of pain or injury, allowing players to enjoy the game with confidence.

Layers, Layers, Layers

Adding layers of clothing is one of the simplest ways to absorb the impact of airsoft BBs. Many players wear extra protection in sensitive areas like the neck and groin. However, keep these additional tips in mind.

Stay Mobile

Over-layering can restrict your ability to move freely. Running, crouching, and climbing could prove challenging with too many layers.

Keep Your Cool

On hot days, too many layers can lead to overheating, so balance comfort and protection.

Choose the Right Tactical Gear

The right tactical gear will make a huge difference in reducing the sting of airsoft BBs. We suggest equipping yourself with:

  • Military clothing for padded and durable protection.
  • Plate carriers to shield your chest and back.
  • Tactical gloves to protect your hands.
  • Helmets for head protection.
  • Knee and elbow pads to prevent painful hits in vulnerable joints.

Investing in high-quality gear not only minimizes pain but also makes for better gameplay.

Choose Field Play or Long-Distance Types

For those looking to avoid painful close-range impacts, consider choosing long-distance gameplay styles like field play. Field play allows you to keep your distance from opponents, minimizing the risk of close-range hits.

CQB (Close-Quarters Battle) or enclosed-area gameplay brings players within just a few feet of each other, increasing the chance of painful, close-range impacts. Selecting the right gameplay style and location can make airsoft an enjoyable experience without the sting.

Gear Up and Try It Today!

Both airsoft and paintball offer thrilling gameplay. Whether you prefer the sharp sting of airsoft or the heavier thud of paintball, proper gear and game style will help tailor the experience to your comfort level. Ultimately, the best way to decide is to gear up and try both for yourself! Join us at our next event or stop by any location. We’re here to answer any questions!